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Our application process, how does it work?
Applying for a job
We make it easy for you to apply online or get in contact with us, without any obligation.
Initial interview
In a personal conversation, we will take the time to get to know you and to understand how we can best facilitate your career. We will also inform you about the available vacancies.
If your profile matches one of the vacancies available, we will make you a suitable offer. We will inform you about the secondary conditions and your career opportunities.
After a successful application, we welcome you to Atal Interim’s team!
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Are you looking for a job and do you want to be part of the Atal family?
Apply For This JobWhat Our Clients & Employees Say
“As a teamlead I have known Atal Interim for years now. Their approach is very friendly, experienced and above all knowledgeable about KYC. I have experienced communication with Atal as positive and transparent. This is a very professional company, but above all ‘personal’, that is what I am looking for. With a professional attitude and a broad knowledge of all facets, they guide and support where they can.”
“I would encourage anyone in search of career opportunities to trust Atal Interim with their job search. My personal experience with the team has been nothing short of exceptional. They have provided me with the utmost professionalism and kindness, making my work journey a truly remarkable one.”
“Thank you for your support and professionalism in setting me up with your agency Atal Interim, your team support and commitment has been excellent from start to finish, the personal support offered by yourself and the agency has been a credit and I would recommend you personally to any professional who is wishing for a job in the financial sector.”
“I have been extremely comfortable and very happy from the beginning and towards a positive outcome. I have found my consultant and the team very supportive, non judgemental and are open to any questions I may have. Thanks to Atal Interim I got the opportunity to grow from KYC Quality Checker to Team Lead to Operations Manager.”